31.08.2013 11:58
- Суппорт переведен полностью в Белиз для всех стран. Единый суппорт теперь
- пассивного дохода не будет и нам нужно будет кликать на баннер раз в день, чтобы получать доход. Подробности должны сообщить, как я поняла, на следующей неделе. Они взяли модель Гугла и крупных компаний по кликам
- поддержка суппорта остается как и прежде, в зависимости отличного статуса: Стандарт, Премиум или Экзекютив
- для каждого партнера предоставляется возможность иметь бизнес предприятие онлайн для постоянного дохода
- будет сделана наконец-т о компрессия и кто не оплатит в течение 30 дней членство, как я поняла, будет удален и нижестоящие его партнеры перейдут выше к спонсору. НЕЛЬЗЯ БЫТЬ В НЕГАТИВЕ !
- очень гордятся созданным сильным коллективом программистов и управленческим аппаратом. ББ выходит на новый высокий уровень бизнеса и ожидание всех партнеров будет компенсировано стабильностью нового бизнеса в ББ
<<< С Вашего позволения ещё один перевод новостей:
ББ бв курсе, что панели были обездвижены. Это глюк со стороны механизма их системы. Они это исправят и начисления будут, как они должны были быть, т.е. нагонят.
По поводу выплат - они были очень заняты и выплат не было. Обещают в эти выходные.
Версию ББ 3.0 планируют запустить в октябре. Еще раз Крис напоминает, что они полностью уйдут от пассивного заработка и деньги с неба никому падать на голову не будут. Он предупреждает об этом, чтобы ни для кого это не было сюрпризом. В это же время и решится вопрос с выплатами, имеется ввиду будет введено что-то новое для выплат.
Версия 3.0 подразумевает много изменений. В частности, будет компрессия. Например, партнер А пригласил партнера B, а партнер B пригласил партнера C. Партнер А и партнер C сделали апгрейд и работают, а партнер B ничего не делает, не сделал апгрейд и на его эккаунте оседают сэйлс-кредиты. Так вот, после компресcии будет применятся следующее: партнеру B будет дано только 30 дне для апгрейда после того, как он подписал партнера C. Если за это время он не сделает апгрейд, все кредиты перейдут вышестоящему партнеру А.
На следующей неделе будут более подробные новости по версии 3.0
Chris Smith speaking:
Good day! I apologize for the late start. Things are rocking and rolling over here.
A couple of announcements. We are aware of the panel movements. There has been a minor problem on our end. The way the engine works, an engine run, sort of a time. when it runs it is supposed to move the bar across and cap if it's time for that. At the end of the panel run sometimes it just doesn't move or "cap". There could be several reason why this has happened. We have over 70,000 people logged in every day and so every time the engine runs it's competing with those logins. There was a glitch this week, which prevented the engine from completing it's run. When we figure out why and fix this, you will see those panels move to where they should be.
Current payouts - I did promise last couple of weeks that we would try to do a payout. Then Mark was on last weeks call. We have been so busy that we are behind. But this weekend we will do a run. Those who have not gotten paid will be paid first, then we go back to date order.
Officially, we are looking at an October launch for BB 3.0. No specific date, but we believe and are confident that we will be ready to go within the month of October. This includes the new payout solution for BB.
I have mentioned that there are more changes coming. We will not be doing any type of business where you sit back and have money fall from the sky. This is not an investment. This is a business opportunity. If you want to work hard at it, you will be rewarded with your income, as such. You will be shown what you can do to make your business better. In the coming weeks we will have more official announcements. I do not want there to be any surprises. BB cannot be deemed as a passive income program, and most of you know why. We have to remain compliant in all countries.
This is a system that we have modeled after the Google program, adsense and adwords. Publisher/advertiser. Combine the two, with referrals, and you have the new BB. We combine all that together and we will have a very good affiliate program.
Because of the way we put the package together, we have come under some scrutiny. So one thing we need to make sure is that we are not feeding into the negativity out there. BB is not an investment.
On the screen Chris showed something new - Banner Click Incentive.
(he explained this in some detail - please listen to the replay for details) Basically, by clicking on the glowing banner you can earn additional traffic. This is just one aspect of adding more ways.. you will see more things like this in BB 3.0.
How many times can we click on the same banner? Only once as far as getting the bonus incentive traffic.
Pending payments will be honored? YEs. We have talked about the order in which we will do that.
I am getting a lot of positive emails. This is comforting to hear.
Version 3 - a change: Geneology compression. We have meant to do this over the years, however it is built into version 3. Person A brings in Person B, who brings in Person C. Person A pays and Person C pays, but Person B never does anything. Sales credits in the past have just sat in the account of Person B. So the way it will work is, Person B has 30 days from the time that Person C registers to upgrade. If Person B does not upgrade within 30 days, then Person C will then be linked to Person A. After 30 days, this change will be permanent, even if Person B later upgrades.
(he explained this in detail - please watch/listen to the replay video)
Engine Run question - someone suggested closing BB for one hour a day to run the engine. Chris said this only happens very rarely, so we do not want to do that. We are very close to BB 3.0 which will solve that problem.
Why do you have to put a PIN to use click incentive? To prevent multiple clicks (using bots) so we are trying to make sure it's really humans doing the click incentive. Many companies do this often, even Gmail, to make sure you are human.
Traffic Packs in Version 3.0? I will be honest, we will make an announcement. They may go and they may stay. There is a possibility they will not be there. Please keep in mind that one of the passive income indicators pointed to traffic packs. We will make an announcement on that shortly.
A lot of great comments in the question box.
How is BB support going in Belize? Support is going great. They are on the ball and thanks to our trainer in Belize making sure it's up to par. Tickets are being responded to, and are working great during the transition. Thanks to the support team in Belize. We have a North American number, a UK number, European number, all ringing in Belize. There is still a fee for standard and premium members for calling in. This has not been changed yet. Executive line is still available for those members in your back office.
There's a few questions I don't want to touch yet. We are formalizing in the final moments what will be in BB 3.0. We are getting this all completed now. Some components don't have a firm decision yet. We are making these decision together with the other BB leaders. We do not want to announce something that is not ready to be received. You may not be happy with everything, but I can assure you I am an open minded person and do have discussions with the key leaders of BB and we will be doign something that ensures we are here for a long time.
I am not going anywhere guys. It took a while to get here. Good Programmers are hard to find, but we did find very good ones. We have brought people together from other companies, and now we have a solid team. We are happy and proud with what we have..